B.O.D. or Boyfriend of the Day

For every Twins win, may they be many, Batgirl will be selecting a Boyfriend of the Day. B.O.D. is a competition between Batgirl, her husband, her brother, and her sister-in-law (and now Batgirl's Readership!). The competition is a great tradition with a long and storied history.

At the beginning of 2001, Batgirl would get giddy and flushed every time A.J. Pierzynski came up to the plate. And was it any wonder? Well, Batgirl’s husband took notice and said, “He’s your boyfriend.” Of course, Batgirl’s husband became giddy and flushed every time Corey Koskie came up to bat, so there you go. He has a thing for Canadians. And Goobie could frequently be found extolling the batting stance of Doug Mientkiewicz. So, during the 2003 season, the Boyfriend of the Day competition was launched. Batgirl quickly appointed herself the BOD Supreme High Commandress, a position she still holds today. Her rule is widely considered judicious and beneficent, nay enlightened.

The BODSHC rules absolutely. She awards the coveted BOD to whichever Boyfriend most contributes to the Twins victory. She does not tolerate whining, or talkback (and that means you, Goob.). Sometimes, she makes exceptions for great personal performances, such as someone going 4 for 4, or when Corey Koskie doesn’t injure himself. If two or fewer Boyfriends are in the game, they must truly distinguish themselves to be awarded the BOD.

In 2003, Goobie/Dougie won the Boyfriend of the Year, or BOY. But barely. Sensing an opportunity for personal victory, a few weeks after the All-Star Break, Sooz—smiling her sweet smile—declared that she, too, had a boyfriend and that boyfriend was Shannon Stewart. She ended up one point behind Goobie.

Now, you may notice that someone traded Batgirl’s Boyfriend to the Giants. This angered Batgirl. You would not like Batgirl when she is angry. But eventually, Batgirl came to terms with the loss and during spring training she found she was giddy and flushed every time Joe Mauer appeared. How soon the heart forgets.

Now: Team Batgirl has added a wrinkle so the readers can participate. Here, in the words of reader That'sRich

Namely, that the BODSHC evaluates each Twins win to see if any of the named boyfriends (those official boyfriends belonging to official Batgirl team members) has contributed enough to the game to warrant BOD election. If the BODSHC deems that none of the so-named boyfriends has contributed significantly enough, or that another player's contribution is so significant as to severely outweigh the contributions of a so-named boyfriend, then the BOD falls to "the Field" and thereby accrues to the readership's total. In this manner, official boyfriends of official Team Batgirl members will receive preferential consideration (as it should be, since they created this to begin with) and the readership will receive the designation only when no appropriate boyfriend can be found among the officially designated.

For more information on THE READERS BOYFRIEND, please read here.

Batgirl=Joe Mauer
Jeb=Corey Koskie
Goobie=Justin Morneau
Sooz=Shannon Stewart
Readers=The Field

Posted by Batgirl at April 17, 2004 06:57 PM