Meet Team Batgirl

Team Batgirl

BATGIRL: batgirlsketch.jpgGentle, unassuming writer by day. Twins batgirl by night.

JEB: JEB.gif
Batgirl’s gorgeous and sexy husband. A scholar and a gentleman.

GOOBER: goobie.JPG
Batgirl’s brother, pinch blogger, and guardian of the site's legalese.

SOOZ: suz3.jpg
Batgirl’s fashionable sister-in-law. Twingo fanatic. A sweet smile hides a ruthless competitive nature. Don’t cross her.

Associate members:

JVG: 20030507.gif
Batgirl's beloved web master and Batgirl draw-er. Cartoonist, artist, writer, and gentleman. Not so much with the baseball, lots with the sass.

Posted by Batgirl at April 18, 2004 07:30 PM