Letters to boyfriends.

Goober has pulled from the archives several letters from last spring, written to our various boyfriends, which I've posted for your edification. You might notice that Corey took Jeb's hair-styling advice.

Dear AJ, you are my boyfriend. all the other people think you are bad but I know you just like to talk. Also, you should cut your hair. Love, Batgirl

Dear Corey,
I know I'm not supposed to write you letters anymore--I got the impressive, official-looking letter from some lawyer or something--but I really feel I need to help you with something. When you are taking your at-bats you always seem to stretch your back and try to loosen it up and such. Can I recommend you get rolfed? My mama-in-law does, and she says that it feels great. Even my papa-in-law has done it, and he's a man's man! Also, as I've advised in other letters, we really need to do something about your hair. Either you're going to have to get plugs, as I recommended, or just shave it or something. The pathetic, thin, see-through wisps have got to go!
Thanks Corey, you'll hear from me again soon.

Dear Douglas,
Because we're boyfriends, I know we can be frank.  Doug, you suck sometimes.  But sometimes you're cool.  You don't hit so good or look very strong, but you're my favorite player because, like me, you're good looking and you got a real big mouth.  That's right, you're a looker and gabber, so we've got a lot in common.  I know that you are probably stuck to a phone, lamppost, trash can, or anything else you happened to brush up against on your way home from the game last night, so I don't know whether you will get this letter.  I hope you do, tho, because you're the best!
Keep chewin'!
Your boyfriend,
PS: at work today I covered myself in pinetar to be just like you.  I stuck to my boss so I know it's working!

Wow, that was fun. Do you have a boyfriend? Would you like to write him a letter? Post your letters in the comments section and we'll preserve them forever! (Or until Batgirl gets a cease and desist letter from the Twins wives.)

Posted by Batgirl at April 15, 2004 01:53 PM