Oh, What Brave New World is This! (April 16th Game)

Royals at Twins. Twins 9, Royals 7.

Did you know that they televise baseball? No, no, I mean it. Really. Baseball on the tee vee, live! Just like The Apprentice finale, but with much less ass-kissing of The Donald. It must take super-space-age technology to do, and we at Batgirl can only hope that someday, as humanity grows ever-wiser and more capable, we can all work toward a time when all baseball games are televised. Think of it! Dare to dream, folks!

Anyway, it gave us all a chance to see Santana approaching his old Johanninator form again. He entered the game with only four strikeouts for the season, which is what he usually has in, you know, an inning. So it was nice to watch Carlos Beltran whiff in the first inning, and whiff hard. Sure, the next inning Juan Gonzalaz cranked it over the wall, and then a couple more guys hit it over some other walls, but did we mention that whiff? In all, Johan struck out six in the game, which is only about eight fewer than we expect of him, and he only gave up three homeruns, which is three fewer than we expect our bullpen to.

Meanwhile, Lew Ford hurt KC pitcher Jimmy “Gobble” Gobble’s feelings, again and again, Luis Rivas reminds us why he’s in the line-up (sometimes we forget), and the Twins managed to come back after the Royals made up a five run deficit. I guess they’re just used to it by now.

So, that’s three wins in a row. And, apparently, Doug will be back in the line-up tomorrow. We were treated to a few views of his injury yesterday, and it’s fairly clear he was thrown off balance by his new overgrown chin pubes. Surely, someone could have warned him.

Posted by Batgirl at April 17, 2004 12:58 AM