Gentle readers, it pains Batgirl to hear the frustration and agony expressed by her sizeable and fanatical readership over the Pyrrhic Victory debacle, because Batgirl is as devoted to her readership as it is to her. Your frustration and agony is hers, and she wants to find a way to alleviate it.
As many know, the official MLB Twins site has MLB.TV, which allows people to watch game broadcasts on their computers. But MLB.TV blacks out local broadcasts so as not to compete. So Batgirl's many readers in St. Louis may watch the Twins on their computers, but Batgirl's readers in St. Louis Park may not.
Well, Batgirl wonders...could Pyrrhic Victory ask MLB.TV to lift the local blackouts of their web broadcasts until the impasse is resolved? How hard could it be? Does anyone in Batgirl's vast and loving readership have contacts at Victory? This would certainly be good for the Twins and good, PR-wise, to Victory. Batgirl has already sent an e-mail to Victory's general box and will place a phone call as soon as Batgirl's husband gets off the phone with the stereo people who have tried to hose Batgirl. She will also put her faithful intern to work. Any other ideas?
[EDIT] Batgirl has received a communique that "it is not a possibility" for MLB to lift the blackout. She has also been advised by someone more politcally savvy than she that of course Victory would rather deprive the fans so they are angry and pressure the cable companies. This makes perfect sense. Batgirl is as naive as she is cherished, and she is also slightly irritated.
Posted by Batgirl at April 28, 2004 01:01 PM