The Boy in the BatBubble

Twins at Oakland. Twins 3, A's 2.

Dear Readers,

Come with me, my dears. I want to tell you a tale full of mystery and wonder. Close your eyes for Batgirl, there now--I am going to take you to a place now, a place beyond reality, a place beyond dreams, a place where Seth Greisinger pitches five solid innings just hours after we used the entire bullpen in a 13-inning game. Yes, here, in this magical, wonderful place, this Detroit Tiger minor-league reject holds his own against the A's storied Terrible Trifecta of Doom. You have heard of them, I am sure.

Oh, but that is not all. For there was a time, a dark time long ago—well it was last week—the men of the bull pen endured shameful loss after shameful loss, bringing despair and dishonor to their families. And once…oh Batgirl shudders to think of it…she remembers it as if it were yesterday—and in fact, it was yesterday, this dark time--where the bull pen walked 100 batters. In the before-times, the players of baseball known as the Twins lost game after close game through poor pitching and fielding and baserunning and batting, things which are key elements in this game of baseball.

Ah, but we do not think of the before-times. For our eyes our closed and we are in the Greisinger-place, and the Roa-place, and yes…even the Romero-place. We know it was shaky there in the eighth with runners on first and third and no outs, but, oh, today, in these days of miracles and wonders, in this land of the long-distance call, Romero retired the side.

Ah, but, wait. There is more. For the hitters of the baseball played their role, too. In this place the batters known as Stewart and Mientkiewicz (that's Mint-Kay-vitch) seize on a opportunity to win the game in the tenth inning, and then our closer, our Nathanest of Joes, saved the game for us, and what, I ask you, is a four-pitch walk with one out between friends? For, in this glorious place, we are all together in victory and baseball games are televised for the edification of all. Let us all hold hands and sing the Fox Sports Net theme song together. You know, doo doo DOO doo doo doo doo doo dooo. Doo doo DOO doo doo DOODOODODOOOOOOO! That one. Come with me, dear readers, to a place where we are in a tie with the Chicago Bitch Sox for first. Let us only move forward, now, let us leave the bitches behind.


Posted by Batgirl at May 8, 2004 11:18 PM