
As her loyal and passionate readers know, Batgirl (a.k.a. The BODSHC) feels particularly warm toward whatever Twins player wins these extra-inning games for us, and is highly likely to award that player the coveted Boyfriend of the Day. Tonight is no exception--for Batgirl was at the game with her family, and she was weary in the 11th inning. She was--and BatMom, who had the keys to the car, has Pilates early in the morning. But we stayed, we stayed to see Shannon Stewart walk to lead off the inning, we stayed to see Guzie execute a perfect first pitch bunt, and we stayed to watch Doug Mientkiewicz launch an 0-2 pitch to center for a single that would score Stewie and win the game. And that, Douglas, earns you Batgirl's gratitude, and makes you Boyfriend of the Day.

Stewie (Sooz) 6, Dougie 5 (Goober), Corey (Jeb) 3, Joe (Batgirl) Nil

Have you voted on the reader's boyfriend?

Posted by Batgirl at May 12, 2004 12:16 AM