Dearest readers,
As you know, Team Batgirl has asked Batgirl's enormous and fanatical readership to pick its own horse in the Boyfriend of the Day competition. The ensuing discussion was heated, nay passionate. And upon reflection, Team Batgirl realized that none of us could impose a boyfriend upon Batgirl's perceptive and creative readership—for you are all individuals, with your own particular loves and lusts. Some of you like starting pitching, some relievers. Some like boyish minor-league call-ups with precocious batting stats. Some like handsome outfielders with long contracts and a McDonald's gig. And that is beautiful. You are all beautiful; you are beautiful for what makes you different as well as what makes you the same.
So, we are back to the perceptive and creative proposal by loyal Batgirl reader That'sRich:
Namely, that the BODSHC evaluates each Twins win to see if any of the named boyfriends (those official boyfriends belonging to official Batgirl team members) has contributed enough to the game to warrant BOD election. If the BODSHC deems that none of the so-named boyfriends has contributed significantly enough, or that another player's contribution is so significant as to severely outweigh the contributions of a so-named boyfriend, then the BOD falls to "the Field" and thereby accrues to the readership's total. In this manner, official boyfriends of official Team Batgirl members will receive preferential consideration (as it should be, since they created this to begin with) and the readership will receive the designation only when no appropriate boyfriend can be found among the officially designated.
Yes, the readers' boyfriend is, well, whoever you want. And the B.O.D. competition will continue as normal, with the B.O.D. Supreme-High-Commandress selecting whichever official Boyfriend contributes the most to a Twins win. But sometimes, a non-boyfriend's contribution is so strong, or the boyfriends are so lame, that another player is awarded the coveted B.O.D., and that goes into the field, a point for the readers. Here, on Batgirl, the readers are saying, essentially, "Our boyfriends are better than your boyfriends"—which, with the exception of Shannon Stewart, is probably true.
This is not a player-of-the-day competition, but a Boyfriend of the Day—it is all about those strange feelings we get, regardless of gender or sexual orientation, when we think about our favorite players. You all can play at home with your own boyfriends, taunt each other in the comments section, and appoint your own B.O.D.H.C. (Obviously, Batgirl is the Supreme High Commandress.)
The BODSHC's rule is absolute. She does not tolerate whining. She is capricious but fair, and of course universally beloved.
The standings are thus:
Stewie (Sooz) 6, Dougie 6 (Goober), Corey (Jeb) 3, Joe (Batgirl) Nil
And the Field thus far has four..Blanco, Ford, Jones, and Hunter, giving the readers 4.
Very truly yours,