Things for Doug Mientkiewicz had gotten so bad that we had to import some male psychology experts to work on the inner Doug. Now, in July, Doug is batting .333—and today he gave the Twins something they've hardly enjoyed for ages—a lead. With a runner on in the second inning, Doug—who had been moved down in the batting order earlier in the day—cranked a ball to right field, giving the Twins a 2-0 lead and the first baseman a healthy boost of self-esteem. That makes Dougie the Boyfriend of the Day, because the Fab Five would want it that way.
Field/Readers 12,Dougie/Goober 8, Corey/Jeb, Sooz/Shannon 6, Joe/Batgirl 4
Posted by Batgirl at July 3, 2004 12:19 AM