What Kind of America Do YOU Want?

Beloved and talented reader Randall susses out some of the other tickets that might be popping up as campaign season heats up...and finds them wanting...:

I guess I would have to note that the Jeter-led Yankee ticket, with its policies of tax cuts for the rich, deportation of non-elite members of society, and Hussein-like stacked deck elections veer so far to the right as to approach despotism.

The Red Sox seem to espouse a brand of Stalinism though, since they are really making a grab for totalitarian government as well, yet are posing as righteous have-nots trying to overthrow the established capitalists.

The As and their left-wing Beaneball approach...overly intellectual government just can't work. Plus I get this image of Stephen Hawking in the White House and even though that's not really precisely analogous, it kind of makes me want to leap from a moving vehicle.

Santana-Nathan, however, is a feel-good embodiment of the American dream, committed to the future in the minor leagues, and devoted to giving the Nicky Puntos of the world a voice. Perhaps they are the only ones who can make the world safe for democracy?

Posted by Batgirl at August 30, 2004 10:09 AM
