In case you missed Terry Tiffee's violent crash into Pudge "Immoveable Object" Rodriguez, we thought we would provide a reenactment for you, using our exclusive Legovision technology.
It's the 4th inning, and there's one out. Tiffee has just singled with Guzie on third and Cuddy on second. Third baseman Eric Munson makes a wild throw to first, and Tiffee ends up next to Munson on third.
With Jason Johnson pitching, and Tiffee at third, geriatric catcher Pat Borders steps up to the plate.
And here's the pitch!
Borders hits the ball...
…and Tiffee takes off!
Omar Infante fields...
...and throws to Pudge.
Pudge grabs the ball and sets...
...there's going to be a collison at the plate!
Tiffee barrels into Pudge…
…and bounces right off him.
Birdies! I see Birdies!
I don't feel so good.
We at Team Batgirl wish Mr. Tiffee a swift recovery.