Flights of Angels, Bob Casey

Legendary Twins PA announcer Bob Casey died this weekend, and the great silence is felt all over TwinsLand. Here is the story from the Strib.

Batgirl will print the comments from this entry and send them to the Casey family.

Bad Andy sent Batgirl an e-mail this morning about Casey that she found quite lovely:

He's one of the things that makes a Twins game a Twins game.

"No throwing anything or anybody onto the playing field."

"Noooooooooooooooo smoking in the Metrodome! If you must smoke, go outside or QUIT!" (or "go to Wisconsin" or "go to a casino" or one of his other great variations.)

There was the night in 2001 when the fans in left field held their own little Chuck Knoblauch Appreciation Night and he shouted, "If this continues, the Twins may have to forfeit the game. Now QUIT THIS!"

And of course, "Now batting for the Twins, number 34 the center fielder,
KIRBYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY PUCKETT!" It's easy to forget how popular Kirby was before his fall from grace, but back in the day that call of Casey's was music to any Twins fans ears.

I was looking forward to a future opening day - perhaps in 2006 - when he would be able to say, "Now, here's the starting lineup for your WORLD CHAMPION Minnesota Twins!"

Posted by Batgirl at March 27, 2005 11:47 AM
