
Get out your palm pilots! Call your personal assistants! Warn your kitties! Here's your schedule for Monday.

7:00. Rise and Shine! There's BASEBALL TODAY! What are you doing in bed? Don't you have to prepare? Put some coffee in that Batgirl mug and put on your "Don't Blame Me, I voted for Santana Nathan" t-shirt. It's time to get real, people.

11:00 Tune your radios into WCCO. Batgirl will be on The Pat Miles Show to discuss Social Security. I mean Opening Day. Call in and say how much you love Batgirl!

12:00 If you haven't already, place your orders for MONEYBALL. Batgirl's Book Club begins the 18th!

4:00 Be at the Bulldog in Uptown with Batgirl to watch Brad Radke begin the season in style. Perhaps buy Batgirl a drink?

8:00 Head home, happy and secure in a Twins victory. Maybe buy the BatKitties some catnip on your way. They like catnip.

Posted by Batgirl at April 1, 2005 09:27 AM