For the Twins Yearbook, players were asked which star should play them in a movie. Can you match the Twin with his answer?
For the answers, please look here.
1. NICK PUNTO | A. Matt Damon | |
2. JESSE CRAIN | B. Omar Epps | |
3. JUAN CASTRO | C. Edward Norton | |
4. KYLE LOHSE | D. Brad Pitt | |
5. JOE MAUER | E. Keanu Reeves | |
6. JOHAN SANTANA | F. Sean Penn | |
7. JACQUE JONES | G. Al Pacino | |
8. LEW FORD | H. Ben Affleck | |
9. MATTHEW LECROY | I. Martin Lawence | |
10. JOE NATHAN | J. Jim Carrey |