My god. What is a B.O.D.S.H.C. to do? So many B.O.D.-worthy performances, just one B.O.D. I mean, what about Jesse Crain, pitching his Juan Rinconiest in the 8th and 9th holding the extremely potent (and not just potent like Palmerio) O's offense. Or Jacque Jones, pinch hitting in the tenth inning, working an 0-2 count to 3-2, then lofting the next pitch into the center field seats, giving the Twins a 5-4 lead? Or Little Nicky Punto, for running his little heart out in the 8th inning, singlehandedly creating the tying run and not injuring himself doing it? And then there's the Team Batgirl Boyfriends (TBB's) with an RBI apiece…the Doctor in the first with two outs giving the Twins a lead against a pitcher who doesn't give up a lot of runs, Lew a sac fly in the 7th making it a one run game, the Chairman for simply gorgeous situational hitting as LNP made his way around the bases, and Stewie for putting the nail in the coffin with his homer in the 10th. When the ball went off Stewie's bat, exactly one pitch after Jones's homer, the game suddenly seemed very over. You could just feel all the spirit going out of the O's little hearts and for that, with a generous nod to LNP, Batgirl is giving Shannon Stewart the Boyfriend of the Day.
Jeb/Lewwww 6, Field/ Readers 5, Goober/Dr. Morneau 4, Sooz/ Stewie 3, Batgirl/Joe 2.