
Everyone's going to have to protect Batgirl, because she was this close to giving the B.O.D. to Sooz's boyfriend, but…man. Man! The B.O.D. by-laws clearly allow for an extraordinary performance by a non TBB (Team Batgirl Boyfriend) and if pitching a complete game in seventy-four pitches isn't extraordinary, Batgirl doesn't know what is. Nine innings, five hits, one run, no walks—and one three-pitch inning makes you, Carlos Silva, the Boyfriend of the Day.

Field/Readers 8, Jeb/Lewwww 6, Goober/Dr. Morneau 4, Sooz/ Stewie 4, Batgirl/Joe 2.

Posted by Batgirl at May 20, 2005 09:44 PM