
Gonna make this quick because we have places to go and people to see. You could make ShannalamaDinger the BOD for his third homer of the week. Or it could be LNP for getting three hits and NOT striking out. Or it could even be Johan for sittin' down eight bitches in seven innings.

But no! Our BOD made sure we got off on the good foot when we weer (were) looking another same old-same old situation in the eye. ShannalamaDinger, LNP and LewwwwFord reached to -- gasp! -- load the damn bases with nobody out, a position that few Twins want to confront in the year 2005. Then, JustIncredulous and Torii Huntre (Hunter) did their best Corky (Corky) Millre (Miller) imitations, bringing Jacque Jounes (Jones) to the plate with two outs.

Last week, in his post-bobblehead flush, J-Jo would have been Out No. 3. This week, in a foreign land wheer (where) the r's and the e's sometimes get confused at the ends of words, the letter U sometimes makes a cameo between the O's and the R's, and the first lettre (letter) of the alphabet is EH, J-Jo lashed a 2-run single that got us going in the right direction toward a methodical 7-2 victoury (victory).

For that, J-Jo, YOU aer (are) the Boyfriend of the Day. Good play, eh!

Posted by Ron Davis at May 27, 2005 09:15 PM