Haiku Finalists

Team Batgirl is pleased to announce the Second Annual Haiku Contest Finalists. Please vote for your favorite. Voting will close Wednesday after the game, and Goober will announce the winner Thursday morning. Thank you to all for your submissions. You may vote once per day.

Here are the finalists:

Oh Justin Morneau
How lovely it would be to
Reach first base with you

A gray teflon roof
keeps out sunshine like a pall
Will Sox die beneath?
-Ask Kleiner

I beg you, "Kiss Cam,"
Don't put us on the jumbo,
This girl's my sister.

The wind is blowing
The fly ball towards center field
Torii's glove appears

Johan to Bitch Sox:
Sit down evil pretenders
Spring ends, leads fade
- Me

Captain Cheeseburger.
You are fat and butt ugly.
Put your hat on straight.

The bases are juiced
Help me, sweet Lew Fordwalker
You're my only hope

Twins have a problem
Can't find Lew Ford! Where is Lew?
Revenge of the Sith

Time erodes all things:
Lofty mountains, mighty oaks,
Sox division lead
-Salt-Man Z

Please note: Due to a technical problem--it wouldn't let anyone vote on one of the entries--BG had to redo the poll at midnight. Please revote. BG apologizes for any inconvenience.


Posted by Batgirl at June 6, 2005 09:49 PM
