My darlings,
It's okay now. It is. It's all going to be okay.
Batgirl is sorry. Batgirl never should have left. Orphans and sass-deprived Eastern European children, they are important, yes, but not as important as You, my dearest darlings. Yes, You. The Twins fan. Noble, headstrong, poetic, and dare I say....sensitive. We have needs. We're fragile.
But we must try to remember ourselves. We must stick together. We must remember that it is great to love a baseball team, but even better to love our fellow men, women, and BatKitties. We must remember that the forces of sass are greater than the forces of sucking, no matter how bleak things seem. When the darkness threatens, we may either succumb to it, we may either become creatures of darkness ourselves, or we can stand straight and hold up our hands and say, "No, darkness! I defy you! For I embrace the light!"
Batgirl wants to thank her dear friends kw, Skorch, el diablo, and RD for so ably pinch hitting in her absence. They have struggled nobly against the forces of darkness, and for that, we should all tip our hats. Batgirl certainly does.