I don't know. It's been so long since BG has done one of these she's forgotten how it works. This is a tight one, and BG gives a healthy nod to Lil Luis, who had his first major league homer. But he's already had a share in a BOD, and BG feels our regulars need a little propping up right now. And you know, going 3 for 5 with a run and an RBI, not to mention starting the game on the right note with a hit, at least deserves an "Atta Boy, Shannon." And maybe even the Boyfriend of the Day.. Though let's not misplay any more balls in the ninth, shall we? BG can't take it.
Field/Readers 13, Jeb/Lewwww 8, Sooz/ Stewie 8, Goober/Dr. Morneau 5, Batgirl/Joe 2.
Posted by Batgirl at June 26, 2005 03:30 PM