RD is sad with the direction that the season has taken. He is beyond being angry and is feeling somewhat melancholy, and imagines that others are feeling the same way. It kinda blows. I mean, two hits. TWO hits against a pitcher who hadn't won on the road all season. That's enough game detail.
RD's been pondering a lot of things and knows that it would be better not to share most of them right now. Instead, here are a few random thoughts to take your mind off ass bats and ass gloves and ass call-ups from the minors and the whole incredible world of assidity:
*RD will NOT eat chicken fries and he will NOT succumb to one of his favorite BK temptations -- an Angus Burger with bacon and cheese --until the damn commercials stop. I will not BOB MY HEAD. One nation under chicken fries? RD would sooner sleep with the AFLAC duck.
*RD needs WCCO to stop running that Torii Hunter-runs-into-the-wall radio spot. The man ran into the wall and is done for the season. It feels like an airline commercial on the day after a plane crash. Please, some decency! Promote Terry Tiffee bat night, or something.
*Speaking of Terry Tiffee. Here's a little advice from RD: "Terry, swing the effin' bat!" It's sorry enough to see you batting clean-up, but not getting the bat off your shoulder in the eighth inning. What were you thinking about during those 6 pitches? Chicken fries?
*The State Fair is coming! RD has it on inside information that one of the new foods this year is a "grilled chocolate sandwich." Knowing that makes RD feel almost as useful as he did when he found out a few days back that the Bret BOOne experiment was going to end on August 1.
*Speaking of BOOne, RD saw something incredible on Saturday at Game Day Sports in Ridgedale. BOOne Twins' jerseys. Somewhere in the Twin Cities is a sports apparel buyer looking for work.
*RD has always liked the Oakland A's. It dates back to his college days when he went to see Asleep At The Wheel at the old Lariat Lounge in Chanhassen. The drummer -- Lucky Oceans -- was wearing an Oakland A's logo sweatshirt, official lookin' except for the logo, which read: "The F------' A's." RD always wanted that friggin' sweatshirt. (No, Dr. Decency, the bad word was spelled out on the sweatshirt, but RD knows that some Bat-children read this site and he wasn't gonna drop an F-bomb before bed and regret it in the morning.)
*RD is wondering whether to watch the Twins tonight or go see the And 1 streetballers at Target Center. Your thoughts?