BatKitty #1 speaks


Many of you no doubt saw on TV or read in the papers Wednesday morning that BatKitty #1 tested positive under the MLB's new drug policy. Late Thursday night the AP quoted a statement from BatKitty:

"First of all, I want to make clear that I have never intentionally used performance-enhancing substances, never. Ever. Period.

I am sure you will ask how I tested positive for a banned substance. As I look back, I don't have a specific answer to give.

As you might imagine, I don’t arrange my own meals. I am fed by Batgirl or by another member of Team Batgirl. I can only say that I trusted Batgirl to provide me with food that is acceptable under Major League Baseball’s new drug policy, and leave it at that.

I take my role as BatKitty #1 very seriously. Everything I have accomplished is the result of hard work and dedication to being the best possible Kitty I can be."

Posted by Jeb at August 5, 2005 01:45 AM
