Except tonight, it was the glove that was glowing. A lead-off triple (chugachugachoochoo!) and two other hits are all well and good, but did you see the three outstanding plays in the field? In a game when the whole team deserved B.O.D. for doing crazy things like GETTING HITS, sometimes EXTRA BASE HITS (not to mention a sizzling performance by one Brad "Rad" Radke) often with RUNNERS IN SCORING POSITION, Lew Foldwalker shows that he's the Defensive Stud of the Day.
Field/Readers 16, Sooz/Stewie 11, Jeb/Lewwww 10, Goober/Dr. Morneau 7, Batgirl/Joe 6.
Posted by Batgirl at August 5, 2005 10:25 PM