Good Ol' Boys

Waylon Jennings: Folks, leave it to Boss Guillen to try to ruin an otherwise beautiful day in Twins Territory with another scheme.

Boss Guillen: Roscoe, get me Enos on the line down at the jailhouse. Those criminals from Chicago we're holding for transfer to the state penitentiary might come in handy for finally getting rid of those Duke boys!

Enos: Telephone's for you, Mr. Convict.

Konerko: Ya, I'm listening.

Boss Guillen: Listen here... If you help me get rid this one persistent irritation, I'll make sure you and your partners "escape" before you're transfered to the state pen. ...I want you to kidnap Daisy Duke and take her across the county line. Let the Duke boys see you and chase you. The moment they cross over to Chickasaw County, Sheriff Little will be sure to snatch them up for violating the terms of their parole. They'll find themselves in the slammer and you'll be free to run away with the central division!

Waylon Jennings: Now does that sound good to you?

Boss Guillen orders Enos away from his post and releases the criminals. They proceed to the Boar's Nest and kidnap Daisy!

Uncle Wayne: You boys got your ears on? Folks down at the Boar's Nest say Daisy's been hauled off by some escaped jailbirds! They say they were driving a tan Impala. You gotta find her!

Duke boys: Right away, Uncle Wayne.

Bo: Did you just see that? A tan Impala with Illinois plates!

The Dukes take off in hot pursuit. With each passing moment they close with the Chicagoan thugs!


Absorbed in the chase, the Dukes don't notice that they're approaching the county line.


Sheriff Ed Little lies in wait, having been tipped off by a "concerned citizen" that the Dukes might try to flee.

The Duke boys corner the thugs!

Konerko: Ha! You think you've done a mighty fine job, eh boys? Think again! You've just crossed into Chickasaw County, and a little birdie told me that that's a violation of your parole. A certain sheriff should be here any second to haul you away, while we run away with the division!

A tow truck approaches.

Matthew Lecroy: I wouldn't count on Sheriff Little comin' any time soon, sir. See, I overherd Boss Guillen's phone call with you in the town square. I didn't like the sound of that trap you were a layin' for these honest Dukes, so I just moved the Chickasaw County line signpost a about a hundred yards or so into Twins Territory. Yep, you're still there.

Waylon Jennings: Leave it to ol' Matthew Lecroy to doublecross a doublecrosser.

A moment later, sirens can be heard. Boss Guillen and Roscoe had hoped they were coming to witness the downfall of the Duke boys, but instead they just take credit for re-capturing the escaped convicts.

Daisy was saved, Matthew Lecroy declared a crawdad-bake, and the Dukes were free to keep making trouble for Boss Guillen!

Posted by Jeb at August 22, 2005 10:41 PM