
Dear Batgirl,

I'm really bummin' out with only two games left in my season ticket package, and I was wondering what advise you have in preventing post-season (or lack-there-of) depression. What do you do in the off-season? Are there support groups for fans such as myself? I know you'll have the answers to these and all questions Twins.

October Blues

Dear Ms. Blues,

It is true. The only thing worse than living through this season will be enduring the off-season. All we will want out of life is to watch a good 2-1 Twins loss. We will make our various kitties and puppies pop-up bunts and miss the cut-off guy, just to have a taste for the season again.

But that doesn't answer your question. During the offseason, Batgirl likes to stay so drunk she is obvlious to her surroundings until pitchers and catchers report.


Dear readers,

Help Ms. Blues. What do you do? How are you going to survive the off-season?


Posted by Batgirl at September 21, 2005 12:00 AM