Ode to Twins Geek

Batgirl's esteemed colleague Twins Geek has decided to hang up his keyboard. This is a tremendous loss to Twins fans. When I asked the Geek why he did what he did, he spoke of not only a passion for baseball but of a frustration with local sports coverage; he saw that the local papers didn't allow the space for their reporters to really analyze some of the issues affecting the team. So, in his modest, affable way, he set out to provide that kind of coverage. Want to know who might be a good midseason pick-up for the Twins? Look to the Geek. Want to know how Jacque Jones rates among prospective free agents? Look to the Geek. Want to know how much payroll the Twins will have available next year? Look to the Geek.

In addition, in my interactions with the Geek over the last two years he's proven to be, quite simply, one the classiest people I've ever met. In the faceless, anonymous world of the internet, it's easy to succumb to ugliness, but the Geek has never lost his humanity. He has my endless admiration and respect for how he conducts himself in the world; the Geek has been a force for good, not just as a blogger, but as a person. And on a personal note, he's made this girl-in-a-guys-world feel nothing but welcome, and I can't express how much I've appreciated it.

Please go over there and tell him thanks for all he's done.

Posted by Batgirl at October 5, 2005 09:15 AM