Post-Castillo Media Round-Up

Jason Williams of the discusses , arguing, essentially, the rotation might not be solid without him next year but we might not be able to afford the hitter we need if we don't trade him. He's got a point--while Liriano is, of course, Santana 2: Electric Boogaloo, his September call-up was rocky and he may not quite be ready to start in the bigs. Williams advocates keeping Lohse, signing Bill Mueller, and getting Dr. Morneau to reach his potential. The latter is something we can all get behind.

For what its worth, Charley Walters says Frank Thomas isn't coming to the Twins. Batgirl expects him next week.

From the Tacoma News-Tribune, an interesting article about the character factor in free agents. Should the Mariners pursue Raffy "Miggy Did It" Palmeiro and Kenny "Anger Management" Rogers? How much should character factor in building a team? How do you treat players with great numbers who have been cast out of their own clubhouses for gross character problems?

Cleveland upgrades their pitching staff with that guy who looks like Frasier Krane.

And finally, el diablo sends this site, along with his undying love: Bert Belongs. It's an extremely cool Bert for HOF site. Check out how Bert stacks up against other pitching greats!

And, extra-finally, there's a new Twins blog at !

Edit: Oh yes, and AJ Involved in Pro Wrestling Brawl. Damn, I miss him.

Posted by Batgirl at December 4, 2005 05:56 PM