Item: Reusse:Twins Are Hearing C-word Again.
BatRant:You have got to be bleepin' blargin' kidding Batgirl. This is where we are? The team has won three division titles in the past four years and we're still talking about this? Have we learned nothing? And Tim Pawlenty, who provided the leadership of a kumquat during this whole stadium proposal is the one who mentioned it? That's right. A kumquat. You can quote me.
If you look at the article carefully, it seems that the only ones really talking about this are Reusse and Timmy. So, what's up with that?
Also, could somebody please define "they are baseball's two most underperforming markets?" What is true about that statement and what is just truthiness?
Look, there's no doubt the state has sat on its kumquaty ass-bat in getting the Twins a stadium . There's also no doubt that the Twins sacrificed a heckuva--that's right, I said heck, and I'm not afraid to say it again--heckuva lot of good will in the community with the various threats to move the team and the contraction debacle. Trying to kill the team for cash just isn't the best way to make friends, and the Twins as an organization have done very little to regain the goodwill of the community after it. (The Twins as a team signed Johan Santana, who is Batgirl's official Goodwill Ambassador, and he should probably come over to Batgirl's house for his "swearing in ceremony." ) So, here: YOU, Twins, recognize all the goodwill you lost and come up with some way to get it back and YOU, state leadership, shut up and grow a pair. Cities, communities, and states should invest in themselves. Darn it.
Yes, darn it, I say.
Posted by Batgirl at February 12, 2006 08:59 AM