With Batmom and Batdad baysitting Batbaby, Team Batgirl heads out under the teflon sky for a game of baseball.
Lego Batgirl watches Carlos Silva's fine pitching.
Lego Goober: I ran out of room.
Dougie leads off from first.
Lego Batgirl: Huh, Dougie still pulls out his back pockets when he's on offense.
Lego Batgirl: Why do you think he does that?
Lego Jeb: Hmm, I'm not sure. It wouldn't seem to lend to aerodynamics.
Lego Batgirl: If anything, you'd think it'd create drag...
Lego Batgirl: ...ass-drag.
Lego Jeb: I agree, Batgirl, I wonder if Dougie is aware of that. If only we could measure it, we could warn him. Hmm, the magnitude of the drag will depend on the viscosity of the atmosphere in which he's playing... and I'd like to arrive at a Reynolds number by measuring the degree to which the flow is laminar or turbulent. Hmm, if only we could explain to him that the exposed pockets will increase both the wake and energetic eddies...
Lego Batgirl: Or we could yell, "Hey Dougie, careful for ass-drag!"
The seventh inning stretch arrives.
Lego Suz: Um, there's no way we're not going to score against these guys, right?