Through Top Secret channels, Team Batgirl was able to obtain security camera footage from the Metrodome yesterday. It seems Kyle Lohse did, in fact, pay a little visit to Gardy's office after learning of his demotion. Unfortunately, due to the patent civil rights violation and the fact that Batgirl doesn't know how to do video capture, she can't post it here. Instead, she gives you a reenactment, with Legos.
Face contorted with hatred, Lohse gathers himself outside the office.
A practiced bash with his bat makes quick work of the office door.
As if in slow motion, Lohse approaches his target.
Take that you stupid chair!
Die, books, die!
Nearly blind with rage, Lohse topples the bookshelf.
You'll never log on to Batgirl again, Gardy!
Now more animal than man, Lohse busts up Gardy's desk.
How do you like my ERA now, bitch?
Mission accomplished, Lohse makes a final obscene gesture towards the camera.
BatNotes: if you want to go to the June 11 game, BG needs your check by the end of next week. Please email BG if you want to go.
Batling infield is part of a group doing the AIDS walk on Sunday and is holding a fundraiser yard and jewelry sale as part of the CARAG neighborhood yard sale. If you’d like to sponsor her in the AIDS walk visit her page.
Batgirl's close personal friend will be reading from The Shadow Thieves Friday night at 7pm at Barnes and Noble Maple Grove.