It seems many of BG's readers missed the exciting AJ-inspired Bitch Sox/Cubs brawl on Saturday at US Bitchular Field. This breaks BG's heart and as a service to her readers, she provides for you a reenactment, with Legos.
With the bases loaded, Brian Anderson steps up to the plate.
A sac fly! AJ Pierzynski takes off from third! There's going to be a play at the plate!
Crash! AJ barrels into catcher Michael Barrett! His hat goes flying off!
Safe! Unbridled joy causes AJ to smack home plate.
But my hat! AJ goes for it and bumps into Barrett...
Who punches him in the face.
You bastard! Pods cries, tackling Barrett, Not AJ! He's sensitive!
While the ump restrains Barrett, the benches clear.
Brian Anderson takes a swing at John Mabry, but misses.
The ump pulls Mabry away from Anderson while the crowd shouts, "Rowand would have had that!"
From the dugout, AJ surveys the scene. Animals! You're all animals!