Texas at Twins. Twins 15, Texas 2.
Okay, so Batgirl's in the process of moving and her life is filled with boxes and packing tape (That would be 3M Tear-by-Hand Packing Tape, The Official Box-Closing Adhesive of Batgirl's Move) and strange piles of stuff and random bouts of self-hatred (What are these things under my bed and how did they get there and why have I kept them and which batkitty puked on them and how long ago and does anyone know how to get two-year-old batkitty puke off of wedding pictures?) We can't eat because we've packed all of our dishes. We can't sleep because there are no sheets. The BatTiVo is packed, the BatInternet is off, and the BatKitties Three have been shuffled off to Casa BatParents for a few days where they can puke on someone else's stuff.
The point is, Batgirl is in sore need off a happy place, and that happy place looked quite a bit like Sunday's eighth inning six-run rally. After trying all weekend to mount a decent comeback something clicked; the previously infallible Tigers started to puke all over their stuff, and while the Twins lost the series, they found themselves again. Surely they could carry that momentum and inspiration onto tonight's game with the Rangers, couldn't they?
Couldn’t they?
Well, yes. Apparently, they could. The Twins came out full of vim and fire and Jedi mind tricks and happy places tonight, from Little "Nicky" Punto to Torii "Sweetcheeks" Hunter to Josh "Dinger" Rabe to, well, pretty much the whole damned line-up. The Twins were inspired, all right, they inspired the crap out of the ball tonight, and the Rangers saw their juggernaut coming and immediately cowered behind their ass-gloves. Carlos Lee made any Twins fan who mourned not getting him in a trade feel much, much better, while Carlos Silva proved he does very well with a 14 run lead.
Batgirl doesn't have too much to say, here, she's running on tape fumes and DQ Blizzards, except that triples are hottt, scoring 15 runs is fun, and she would like to politely suggest that the momentum from Sunday carry us straight through the next Tigers series. For that would be a happy place, indeed.