Mark of the Dead

Fresh off the news that Major League Baseball had just , (and please, do Batgirl a favor and go read the entire article), came another very exciting announcement.

This evening, Major League Baseball inked a contract with the National Postmortem Body Art Association to allow any baseball fan who has passed on to get the logo of his or her favorite team tattooed on his ass.

"We're getting a lot of requests for sports team logo tattoos," said Dracul L. Gluteus, president of the NPBAA. "When people die, their families really want to commemorate them in a way that speaks to the dignity of their lives. I can’t think of a better way to do that than getting the logo of your favorite baseball team tattooed on your corpse's heinie for all eternity."

Gluteus continued, "We've also approached the NHL and NFL but MLB was incredibly eager to provide their fans this magnificent opportunity. We were also hoping to approach NASCAR, but most of the postmortem real estate on their fans' buttocks is already spoken for by advertisers."

Major League Baseball was equally enthusiastic. "We like to think of it as a service to the fans," said MLB spokesperson Brandi Tuckus. "Before, when anyone who got a team logo tattooed on their cold dead buttcheeks, we would have to call our lawyers to extract our pound of flesh, as it were. But now, all baseball fans can die happily knowing that for a really modest fee, they can get their favorite team's logo tattooed on their behind without fear of legal reprisal."

Not all baseball fans were ecstatic at the news, though. For young Jimmy Popo, the announcement came too late. "I just wish they'd done this earlier," said Popo, wiping away a tear. "My dad would have been so happy to go to his grave knowing we were donating his hard earned money to a truly worthy cause--Major League Baseball's licensing department."

Posted by Batgirl at October 18, 2006 08:47 PM