Vote Tuesday

Ah, another election day. With Santana/Nathan reaching the 2 year point in their glorious reign as president and VP of the United States of Batgirl, it's time to elect more Twins to office. After carefully considering the qualifications and skills of each Twin, Batgirl has settled on the following ballot for her party. Remember: Vote.

Senate: Boof Bonser (Because Senator Boof is just too cool.)
House: Mike Redmond (Smell this, Congress!)
Secretary of State: Joe Mauer (The Chairman lets the people vote!)
Attorney General: Juan "The Smiling Assassin" Rincon (Laying down the law, one strikeout at a time.)
State Legislature: Little Nicky Punto (Because the state legislature is kind of miniature.)
Hennepin County Attorney: Andy Luger (Actually running. Friend of Goober. Endorsed by Batgirl!)
Sheriff: Justin Morneau (Mountie training.)

Posted by Batgirl at November 5, 2006 09:57 PM