Sometimes life is tough. Sometimes you're a highly touted prospect but every time you come up to the bigs you suck rocks. Plus you're haunted by an overemotional talking nut cup. But sometimes you get a second chance. And a third. And a fourth. And sometimes, on your fifth chance, you're brought up over prospects even more highly touted than you once were, and you feel like a total has been even though you look like you're eight years old and should be out collecting Avatar cards. But then—something crazy happens. You pitch like a guy who's never been chewed out by his own nut cup. You remind us why you were such a highly touted prospect in the first place, you give us hope for the post-Ponson era, and you receive the Boyfriend of the Day.
Goober/ Justin 5, Readers/Field 4, BatCub/Torii 3, Sooz/Cuddy 2, Batgirl/Chairman 2, BabyDash/Bart 2, Jeb/LNP 1.
Posted by Batgirl at May 19, 2007 08:39 PM