Goober's Goat of the Day:  Radke's Pregame Routine

It's hard to know what is worse---watching Brad Radke melt down in the first inning or hearing Herb describe it.  Over thirty-three first innings in 2003, the Twins reigning bassmaster earned a whopping 6.00 ERA and spotted opponents to a .314 batting average.  Can these numbers---almost Pulidian in their horror---possibly justify $10.7 million in 2004?  Put another way, is Bad Brad really worth 6.7 Johan Santanas, 13 JC Romeros, or 27 Kyle Lohses?  There's simply no excuse for excuse for any pitcher---much less one earning over 20% of the Twins payroll---to take the field unprepared.  While Bradke's first inning numbers are cause for concern, they are even more frustrating when compared to his second inning ERA of 2.45.  All of which leads to the question: how exactly are you warming yourself up, big dog?  Watching fishing videos?  Because until you figure out how to tame your inner Rick Reed, your pregame warm-up routine is Goober's Goat of the Day.

Posted by Batgirl at April 22, 2004 10:34 AM