Batgirl has it from a very good source that the Twins are this close to making a trade with the Yankees that would surely shake up the Central Division race. That's right, our beloved TC Bear could be going to the Yankees for Chase, the AA Trenton Thunder BatDog and a mascot to be named later.
The Future Twin?
As you all know, T.C. Bear is the Twins' veteran mascot, yet he's been a little shaky this season. He just doesn't quite have the spark that he used to in mascot softball games and that whole shooting-the-t-shirt thing, and perhaps a change of scenery would do him good. Meanwhile, Chase is a real up-and-comer in the Yankees organization--our scouts have nothing but the best things to say about him, but he suffers from a logjam in the Yankees organization. And obviously, the Twins have a huge hole at BatDog.
For pictures of Chase in action, please look at these EXCLUSIVE BEHIND THE SCENES PHOTOGRAPHS taken by Mets blogger Matt at Gogs is the Greek God of Geeks. Look here and here.
Of course, it's just a rumor...
Posted by Batgirl at July 21, 2004 12:31 PM