Former Twin Update


Have you ever said to yourself: Self, what I'd really like is a bunch of pictures of former Twin Gary Gaetti paired with bizarre captions? If so, then is for you. Please note the site doesn't work on all browsers, but it's awesome on Mozilla.

Also, tip your cap to the G-man's first base coach Twig, who is retiring after 57 years in baseball.

Meanwhile, did you know former Twin A.J. Pierzynski plays for the Bitch Sox? It's true! The New York Times has a profile.

For all the players on the White Sox who were rejected elsewhere and accepted here, none was rejected so publicly and accepted so thoroughly as Pierzynski. He is beloved in Chicago for the same reason he is hated almost everywhere else. Known for barking at opposing hitters in the middle of plate appearances, elbowing them on their way up the first-base line and stepping on their bats instead of picking them up, Pierzynski has done little to change. The main difference is that he has found coaches and teammates who fully appreciate his efforts. "You play with him and you realize that it's all part of his fire," the backup catcher Chris Widger said. "You take the good with the bad."

AJ also apprently has Jedi mind powers over umpires, as we saw tonight. You have to give the guy credit; only AJ would have thought to run out a perfectly-caught third strike, and only for AJ would that trick actually work.

Nice job, umps! Keep on reaching for those stars!

Posted by Batgirl at October 12, 2005 09:20 PM