Suicide? (April 20th Game)

Detroit at Twins. Twins 6, Detroit 4.

In her constant efforts to better serve her devoted readership, Batgirl attended the game tonight with her brother, husband, and BatMom. It was a fun game until the ninth inning, when Joe Nathan promptly put two Tigers on base. Woe is Batgirl! Through some miracle, Nathan got the next two out and when the next batter was announced, a fan near us stood up and rather insistently exhorted us all to stand up and make some noise. Did he not realize we were all absolutely frozen with terror? The whole game was about to slip away from our sticky fingers…

But it didn’t. Lew Ford caught the final out and Batgirl could breathe again. We had to win this one; Gardy pulled a suicide squeeze of all things. (How totally last year; the Twins score eight runs a game now. Who needs small ball when you have Lew Ford?)

But that suicide squeeze was pretty darned cool. Batgirl knows most of you didn’t see the game, thanks to Pyrrhic Victory One. So, as a further service to you, here is a reenactment.

Here’s the deal. It’s the third inning. The game’s tied at love. With no outs, Michael Ryan singles, then steals 2nd, then goes to 3rd on Henry Crahnk-os ground-out. So, now, it’s Nick Punto at the plate, with Ryan (in yellow) at 3rd. The Twins are the spacemen, and the Tigers are the medieval guys.


With Jason Johnson pitching, Punto steps into the box.


Then, Punto squares around to bunt!


Mike Ryan takes off from third!

The pitcher scrambles for the ball, while Punto runs to first and Ryan dashes for home!

Ryan slides!


This reenactment is the exclusive property of Batgirl. The accounts and descriptions must not be disseminated without the express written permission of Batgirl.

Posted by Batgirl at April 21, 2004 05:39 PM