Mama Said There'd Be Days Like This.

Detroit at Twins. Tigers 11, Twins 8.

Holy crap. Nothing’s going well for Batgirl tonight. Her whole website melted down, and Batgirl’s Web Guy had come in and weave his web magic. The American Idol voters offended Batgirl’s sense of justice. The Wolves aren’t playing well as of this posting. Batgirl has a tummyache. And the Twins, well, let in a lot of runs. A whole lot of runs.

It’s popular mythology at Casa Batgirl that Brad Radke often has really ass-y first innings, and then settles down and pitches like the ace he is supposed to be. Not so much this time, where he pitched like ass and just got ass-ier. Gardy pulled him in the second for Carlos Pulido, and, well, poor Pulido-- the Tigers proceeded to rip off his pants and hand them to him. Pulido kept putting on new pants, and they kept ripping them off again. Again and again.

Frankly, Batgirl is just not convinced Pulido is ready for prime time. He might be a very nice person, he might be devoting his non-pitching hours to community service, but right now, well, he just don’t pitch so good. There’s nothing wrong with that. Batgirl doesn’t pitch very well either, but she has many other fine qualities.

Still, kudos for the Twins for making this a ballgame after Waterloo. There was a moment, there, when Lew Ford came up in the ninth with Offerman on base, where I thought we would come back and win this thing.


But even Super Lew couldn’t make this dog bark. Essentially, the whole thing is Batgirl’s fault. She was the one who mentioned the winning streak and it’s obvious cause in the first place. She should have known better. She is very, very, very sorry.

Now, can we win again tomorrow?

Posted by Batgirl at April 21, 2004 10:24 PM