As you well know, Goober put himself on the DL for the road trip as he is constitutionally incapable of processing data after nine o'clock and was unable to execute his duties for Goober's Goat of the Day. As a result, he missed several games that lasted until dawn's rosy-fingers touched down on SafeCo, and several very goat-worthy Twins losses. Batgirl's capable and perceptive readership stepped in to pick up Goober's sizeable slack, nominating such figures as Johan Santana, Dougie, umpire Marty Foster, Joe Nathan, a Rivas-Guzie-Marty Foster Bermuda triangle, the entire Twins team, and Goober himself for Goats of the Day. Team Batgirl has looked at the nominations, and despite a 3-1 vote that Goober himself should win, has decided unanimously that the Goat of the entire road trip should be umpire Marty Foster. On the very first game, Foster blew a call that caused the game to last 36 innings, and then blew another call to give the Twins a loss for all that effort. That set the stage for the whole road trip, including exhausting the bullpen so much they couldn't find the strike zone anymore so Rick Stelmaszek had to come in and pitch the next day. Stelly, actually, was not bad. Also, Foster totally threw off Batgirl's sleep cycle, making her cranky and unpredictable for days, and when that happens, everyone suffers.
While we're being interactive, please remember to VOTE on YOUR Boyfriend. A final decision will be made this week.
Posted by Batgirl at May 11, 2004 12:02 AM