Well, it was another exciting week on BULLPEN IDOL, despite some very clear voting shenanigans. All six players finished suspiciously close together, almost as if someone tried to give them all the exact same number of votes, almost as if someone wanted to pain Batgirl. Yet Batgirl, like the phoenix, rises from the ashes of vote-tampering. For BULLPEN IDOL perseveres!


The top three vote getters are: Joe Nathan, Juan Rincon, and Joe Roa.
The bottom three are: J.C. Romero, Aaron Fultz, and Grant Balfour

And the pitcher with the lowest number of votes is…

...Grant Balfour. Grant Balfour, you have been voted out of the bullpen. (You can still pull the wagon, though.)

That's it. Tune in next week for another exciting round of BULLPEN IDOL. And bullpen pitchers, never stop reaching for the dream!

Posted by Batgirl at May 21, 2004 11:23 PM