
Good morning, gentle readers. Just a few Monday morning items for you. First, you'll notice the exciting new logo, designed by Batgirl drawer and logo maker Jonathan Van Gieson. JVG runs a panel of a comic strip every day on his own blog and Batgirl is a regular reader.

Meanwhile there are new designs in Batgirl's Online Emporium; Batgirl cannot wait for Santana/Nathan '04 to begin sweeping the Metrodome.

New to Batgirl? Can't keep your Chairman from your Doctor, your Boo Berry from your Chocula? Check out this Nickname Guide, now in the "About" menu to the left.

And finally, Batgirl has put together a Legovision BatArchive, also in the "About" menu.

Have a nice day, and thank you for reading Batgirl.

Posted by Batgirl at August 8, 2004 11:35 PM