BatMedia Round-Up

Everything sort of pales in comparison to naked batting practice (and yes, I will be talking about that all year) but here are some non-naked news of note.

First,'s Jayson Stark thinks Johan Santana is awesome, and he's written a whole article about it. As mmmarkiep says in the comments, it's nice to read about a player who gets high on life, man.

Meanwhile, rounds up the team. They don't actually say anything we don't know, and they make too much of The Knee, but they sum up the team's success thusly:

So hard not to come away from a day with this team and not think: "No wonder they win. Good guys, serious about their jobs, very good work ethic, no turds in the clubhouse."

Batgirl prefers the word "dookie" to "turd," but whatever.

Doug Mientkiewicz is now starting for a major media market, and has the press to prove it. The NYT says that defense is underated and so is Dougie Defense. Dougie is to be a calming influence on the Mets infield, though Batgirl assumes they don't mean socially.

Finally,speaking of Dougie, last season the Fab Five shot a special show for Batgirl with Doug, Queer Eye for the Twins Guy. Emboldened by that ratings success, they've decided to take on the Red Sox. (Batgirl notes that the length of her hair has never been specified in a book contract, but she credits her agent.)

Posted by Batgirl at March 15, 2005 06:26 PM