The Blogger's Minute

It was BG's turn to do the Blogger's Minute on the Twins Magazine this week, and she felt a need to comment further on the war of attrition going on in our infield.

Well, just this week we lost poor Glenn Williams, and in the subsequent days Juan Castro went down with dizzy spells and Michael Cuddyer got plunked on the wrist. All of this, of course, after stints on the DL by Brent Abernathy, Luis Rivas, Augie Ojeda, and Little Nicky Punto. In other words, if I were Luis Rodriguez, I would be watching my back.

Indeed, I happened upon Rodriguez and Al Newman walking into Home Depot the other day and as a service to The Blogger's Minute, I followed them. Newmie went right to the duct tape while L-Rod—looking both ways before he crossed each aisle—began to load roll after roll of bubble wrap onto his trolley. The next thing I knew, the two of them were out in the parking lot spreading the wrap out on the ground and pretty soon, Rodriguez was rolling himself up in it. By the time Newmie started sealing the whole package with duct tape, I think you could have mailed L-Rod anywhere in the world and he would have arrived in perfect condition. How his range is going to be in the field is another question.

But Rodriguez can only play one position at a time, and we do need to find other guys to fill out the infield. A quick look at our 40-man roster shows that most players are already out with some injury or another, whether it’s a hamstring pull, a back strain, growing pains, or hurt feelings. So, I think it's time we took a closer look at our options. There's T.C. Bear, an offensive powerhouse, but the lack of opposable thumbs is a serious problem. Newmie himself still has some skills, but I think infielders are supposed to be able to see their toes. It's time to look outside the organization. Way outside. Take Madeline Albright. She hasn't had anything to do for years, and she can turn a double play like nobody's business. Colin Powell was recently released by his organization but I think he could thrive in another environment. Sandra Day O'Connor might be an option, though she has some trouble playing to her left. And if Tom Cruise keeps talking, he's going to find himself in need of a job soon.

Whomever we find, I hope Rodriguez saved some bubble wrap.

Posted by Batgirl at July 3, 2005 12:47 AM