Notes on a Memorial That Came Too Soon

Please Note: The Twins website has had a shortened version of the memorial on it. The whole memorial will be posted later in the day.

I don't know, you guys. I hope you got to go, or to at least see some of it on television or the internet. I can't really describe the outpouring of love in the Metrodome tonight, but no matter if you've never heard of Kirby Puckett, never seen a baseball game, you would have found it beautiful.


Just a few moments to mention:

-Mudcat Grant gets up to sing "What a Wonderful World" and his voice melts your heart. He was a pretty darned good baseball player, but might have chosen the wrong profession.

-They played the clip from Letterman where Kirby gives the top ten list and we see Torii Hunter, who has probably not laughed in a week, cracking up.

-Andy MacPhail starts to talk about what Kirby meant to the team and meant to him, and chokes up.

-Gardy, who has rushed through his speech maybe so he wouldn't choke up too, promises us all that the Minnesota Twins will play Kirby-style baseball—always hustling out grounders, always putting on a show, always having fun.

-Tom Kelly, the last to speak, brings up all the current and former Twins in attendance and they stand on the field surrounding him. TK tries to give his speech and cuts himself off abruptly, "I'm done," he says gruffly and leaves the podium so 20,000 Twins fans don't see him cry.


-At the end of the exquisitely orchestrated final moments in a darkened Dome, a spotlight turns on a Puckett jersey lying alone in center field while a trumpet plays Take Me Out to the Ballgame hauntingly.

I don't know. I think if we succeed in touching a few people in our lives the way Kirby Puckett did hundreds of thousands we can count ourselves very lucky. I think, at least, we can aspire to do that. And all I can say is if you have 20,000 people come to mourn your passing, you've done something right.

EDIT: If you'd like to watch it online, it's up at

Posted by Batgirl at March 12, 2006 10:24 PM