MINNEAPOLIS, MINNESOTA- In the wake of the World Baseball Classic, Minnesota Twins blogger Batgirl has announced that during the last week in March she will be holding a WORLD PING PONG CLASSIC in her parents' basement.

"This is a very exciting opportunity for me to bring professional baseball players to my mom's basement," said Ms. Girl, 24.

Some criticized Ms. Girl for holding the WPPC during spring training. "I don't think the WPPC will detract from the season at all," said Bud Selig. "Because so many of the skills used in ping pong will help our players in the regular season. Besides, we in baseball don't want to put too much emphasis on practice or training or building a team. We don't want to send the kids the wrong message.

"Plus," continued Mr. Selig, "I'm a cheap bastard."


Nonetheless, news of the WPPC rapidly spread through the major leagues, where players eagerly signed up.

"I know I have a chance to make the Twins and salvage the wreckage of my career, and I should give them every opportunity to see me," said pitcher Dennys "Sampler" Reyes a non-roster invite to Twins spring training, "but I can't pass up an opportunity to play for my country."

Not all were as happy about it. Minnesota Twins center fielder Torii Sweetcheeks Hunter expressed his displeasure with the program. "This is the most asinine thing I've ever heard," said Mr. Hunter. "Aren't we supposed to be getting ready for the season? Isn't that our jobs? This is going to hurt the team, and Bud Selig doesn't care because he's a cheap bastard."

The next morning, Mr. Hunter woke up with the head of TC Bear in his bed.

"I think there's a lot of excitement building about the World PP Classic," said Ms. Girl. "And I'm looking forward to unveiling my line of merchandise so ping pong fans all over the world can have a chance to line my pockets with cash.

"Now," she continued, "I just have to get the ping pong table set up."

Posted by Batgirl at March 13, 2006 08:23 PM