Over the past week, Batgirl has received plenty of pictures from talented and generous correspondents in Fort Myers. Here are a few, for your Monday morning pleasure.
Two weeks 'til baseball.
From insider:
Lew shows off his sexy farmer's tan.
I like it so much better when I don't have pneumonia.
Viva Venezuela!
Put me in coach.
"So then, Harmon, you say 'Nothing is everywhere either present or absent.' Works every time!"
And then from JimCrikket:
That's so Mauer...
How far back do you think that thing goes?
I'm never washing my back again.
"See, this is the proper grip for a sinker."
And Scott S.:
I run like a duck.
I WILL be the boyfriend of the year, I WILL!
Look! Look! Joe! I'm Paul Bunyan!
I hope the VP Tiffles doesn't notice I'm scratching my butt.
In memoriam....