10. Could have lost 8-2 to the Royals.
9. Lewwwww could have gotten thrown out at third on his steal attempt after he blew the sign and got Castro nailed.
8. J-Ro could have gotten the save instead of being only a bit player.
7. S. Cheeks Hunter and Stewart could have smashed into each other on that fly ball instead of letting it drop between 'em.
6. Luis Rivas could have been our starting second baseman.
5. Luis Rivas could have gone 4-for-5 for the Angels.
4. T-Phat! could have batted cleanup. Oh, $#!], he did!
3. The Twins could be undefeated in Pixie Vests instead of 1-1.
2. could be pitching (for the Twins) tomorrow.
1. Rondell (The Other) White (Meat) could have gone hitless.
Because he cares, an RD update: Click on DougieDefence for a trip to the KC Royals web page, where you can find several Doug Mientkiewicz surprises in the slideshow on the main part of the page.
Posted by Ron Davis at April 18, 2006 10:04 PM