Twins at Seattle. Twins 7, Mariners 3.
Picture Courtesy of Eric
Boundless loyalty to Chairman Mauer!
Cheers for the grand victory of Chairman Mauer's revolutionary line!
Go forward through great difficulties following Chairman Mauer!
Chairman Mauer is the Red Sun in our heart! Our hearts are linked with Chairman Mauer's heart forever!
Take the golden road pointed out by Chairman Mauer!
Chairman Mauer's great guidance gives us limitless strength!
When navigating the sea, depend on the helmsman, when carrying out revolution depend on Chairman Mauer!
Set off a new upsurge in the study of Chairman Mauer's work!
Carry out the strength to denounce Carl Everett to the end!
Chairman Mauer is the greatest leader! He shall remain our Chairman forever!
Chairman Mauer's thought heals the deaf-mute!
Pour it on!